
Enoch isn’t a name that’s commonly tossed around in the church world. There was no felt-board character cut out in his honor in the ’80s and I’m pretty sure that the Veggie Tales of the late ’90s never had a singing vegetable named after him. He’s only mentioned a few times in the BIble, and we never learn much about the guy. But what we do read seems to stand out.

In a long list of names – who had what son and died and how long each person lived – the kind of list that we tend to gloss over, Enoch sticks out. In a time when writing down anything was valuable and rare, it was made sure to be recorded that Enoch walked with God. Genesis 5 tells us that. He’s also mentioned again in Hebrews 11, where we read about the people who had the kind of faith that people who are Christians are suppose to admire. He walked with God. It’s that simple.

It made me start to wonder about reputation. I want to know but am terrified to consider what people might say about me. I know that they’d say I talk a lot. They’d probably mention that I ask a lot of questions, too. I imagine that they’d reference my energy and interests. But what would they say about my faith? I know in theory that all the other stuff doesn’t matter compared to my relationship with the Lord and who I am defined by Him, but so why does all that stuff come to mind first? What reputation would proceed me?

It’s an interesting thought to consider, an interesting bar by which to measure the way we live our lives. Would we – if it’s the kind of reputation that’s important to us – be known as one who walked with God?

One thought on “E-who?

  1. “I know that they’d say I talk a lot. They’d probably mention that I ask a lot of questions, too. I imagine that they’d reference my energy and interests. But what would they say about my faith?” -I feel like you perfectly captured the way I feel all too often

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